PDFWAC 173-505-150

Compliance and enforcement.

(1) In accordance with RCW 90.03.605, in order to obtain compliance with this chapter, the department shall prepare and distribute technical and educational information regarding the scope and requirements of this chapter to the public. This is intended to assist the public in complying with the requirements of their water rights and applicable water laws.
(2) When the department determines that a violation has occurred, it shall:
(a) First attempt to achieve voluntary compliance. An approach to achieving this is to offer information and technical assistance to the person, in writing, identifying one or more means to accomplish the person's purposes within the framework of the law.
(b) If education and technical assistance do not achieve compliance, the department shall issue a notice of violation, a formal administrative order under RCW 43.27A.190, or assess penalties under RCW 43.83B.336, 90.03.400, 90.03.410, 90.03.600, 90.44.120 and 90.44.130.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.27A, 90.54, 90.22, and 90.82 RCW. WSR 05-18-016 (Order 02-17), ยง 173-505-150, filed 8/26/05, effective 9/26/05.]