PDFWAC 173-514-040

Surface water source limitations to further consumptive appropriation.

(1) The department, having determined further consumptive appropriation for all uses would harmfully impact instream values, closes the following streams including tributaries for the period indicated:
(a) Stream Name
Tributary to
Closure Period
Alderbrook Creek
Hood Canal
May 1 - October 31
Campbell Creek
Oakland Bay
May 1 - October 31
Elson Creek
Skookum Inlet
May 1 - October 31
Fawn Lake Outlet
Skookum Inlet
May 1 - October 31
Jones Creek
Pickering Passage
May 1 - October 31
Jarrell Creek
Jarrell Cove
May 1 - October 31
Little Creek
Skookum Creek
May 1 - October 31
Melaney Creek
Oakland Bay
May 1 - October 31
Shelton Creek
Oakland Bay
May 1 - October 31
Twahnoh Creek
Hood Canal
May 1 - October 31
Uncle John Creek
Oakland Bay
May 1 - October 31
The minimum flow during the closure period on the streams listed above is the natural flow. Because insufficient flow data is available to develop instream flows outside the closure period, minimum flows for any water right application for consumptive use will be considered on a case by case basis in consultation with the departments of fisheries and game (RCW 75.20.050).
(b) Stream Name
Closure Period
Kennedy Creek
May 1 - November 15
Cranberry Creek
September 16 - November 15
Deer Creek
September 16 - November 15
Johns Creek
September 16 - November 15
Sherwood Creek
September 16 - November 15
Perry Creek
May 1 - October 31
Because sufficient hydrologic data is available for the above streams, a minimum flow is established during the closed and nonclosed period in WAC 173-514-030(2).
(2) Except as noted in the footnotes, the following existing surface water source limitations, previously established administratively under the authority of chapter 90.03 RCW and RCW 75.20.050 are hereby confirmed and adopted for the period indicated:
Stream*/Tributary to
Goldsborough Creek -
Oakland Bay
May 1 - October 31
Gosnell Creek -
Isabella Lake
Low flow
(10 cfs)
All year
Jarrell Creek -
Jarrell Cove
Low flow@
(.30 cfs)
May 1 - October 31
Johns Creek -
Oakland Bay
Low flow@
(4 cfs)
Sept. 16 - November 15
Kennedy Creek -
Totten Inlet
Low flow@
(3 cfs)
May 1 - November 15
Schneider Creek -
Totten Inlet
May 1 - October 31
Skookum Creek -
Skookum Inlet
May 1 - October 31
Summit Lake -
Kennedy Creek
Lake level
All year
Unnamed Stream -
Mill Creek
Sec.34, T.20N
Low flow (2 cfs)
All year
*Closures and low flow limitations also apply to tributaries of these streams.
@Superseded by a new action in this section.
#The minimum flow during the closure period is the natural flow.
+Minimum flows are specified in WAC 173-514-030(2).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 90.54, 90.22 and 75.20 RCW. WSR 84-04-014 (Order DE 83-34), ยง 173-514-040, filed 1/23/84.]