(1) Nothing in this chapter shall affect existing water rights, riparian, appropriative, or otherwise existing on the effective date of this chapter, nor shall it affect existing rights relating to the operation of any navigation, hydroelectric, or water storage reservoir or related facilities.
(2) Single domestic and stockwatering use, except that related to feedlots, shall be exempt from the provisions established in this chapter. If the cumulative impacts of numerous single domestic diversions would significantly affect the quantity of water available for instream uses, then only single domestic in-house use shall be exempt if no alternative source is available.
(3) Nonconsumptive uses which are compatible with the intent of the chapter may be approved.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
90.54, 90.22 and
75.20 RCW. WSR 84-04-014 (Order DE 83-34), ยง 173-514-060, filed 1/23/84.]