PDFWAC 173-900-400

What collectors need to know to collect CEPs for a CEP recycling plan.

(1) To collect CEPs for a plan under this chapter the collector must:
(a) Submit an initial registration;
(b) Update the registration information if it changes;
(c) Renew registration annually;
(d) Meet the collector performance standards; and
(e) Be in "in compliance" status on the "collector registration list" on ecology's web site.
Table 400
Collector Status
Can a collector collect CEPs for a plan?
In compliance
"In compliance" means the collector is registered and meets the collector performance standards in this chapter.
In violation
"In violation" means the collector is in violation of the requirements in this chapter.
Collector's name is not on the "collector registration list"
Collectors who collect CEPs or other electronic products and do not want to participate in this program do not need to register to continue doing business.
If a collector is not registered, the collector must not receive payment for CEPs from a plan.
(2) Collection services:
(a) Plans are not required to compensate collectors for any products other than CEPs submitted for recycling by covered entities (households, charities, school districts, small businesses, and/or small governments located in Washington state).
(b) Plans are not required to compensate collectors for CEPs collected prior to January 1, 2009.
(3) Registration under this chapter is only for purposes of administering the electronic product recycling program and does not constitute endorsement by ecology of a particular registrant.
(4) The authority of the standard plan must accept CEPs from registered collectors in "in compliance" status.
(5) The authority must compensate registered collectors, in "in compliance" status for the reasonable costs associated with collection of CEPs submitted by a collector to the plan.
(6) The standard plan will not pay for additional costs associated with premium or curbside services, unless a prior written agreement has been made between the authority and the service provider.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.95N, 70.105, and 70.105D RCW. WSR 07-21-013 (Order 07-05), ยง 173-900-400, filed 10/5/07, effective 11/5/07.]