Chapter 192-200 WAC

Last Update: 10/7/16


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF192-200-005Disqualification of students—RCW 50.20.095.
HTMLPDF192-200-010Training defined—RCW 50.20.043 and 50.20.250.
HTMLPDF192-200-020Commissioner approval of training—RCW 50.20.043.
HTMLPDF192-200-030May I receive unemployment benefits while I am in training?
HTMLPDF192-200-040Who is eligible to participate in the self-employment assistance program?
HTMLPDF192-200-045What training programs may be approved under the self-employment assistance program?
HTMLPDF192-200-050What criteria will the department use to approve my self-employment assistance training plan?
HTMLPDF192-200-055What other factors affect my eligibility for benefits under the self-employment assistance program?
HTMLPDF192-200-060What happens if I do not satisfactorily participate in my self-employment assistance training plan?