East Asian medicine is a health care service using East Asian medicine diagnosis and treatment to promote health and treat organic or functional disorders. East Asian medicine includes the following:
(1) Acupuncture, includes the use of acupuncture needles or lancets to directly or indirectly stimulate acupuncture points and meridians;
(2) Use of electrical, mechanical, or magnetic devices to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians;
(3) Moxibustion;
(4) Acupressure;
(5) Cupping;
(6) Dermal friction technique;
(7) Infrared;
(8) Sonopuncture;
(9) Laserpuncture;
(10) Point injection therapy (aquapuncture):
(a) Is defined as meaning the subcutaneous, intramuscular and intradermal injection of substances consistent with the practice of East Asian medicine to stimulate acupuncture points, ashi points, trigger points and meridians. Substances are limited to:
(i) Saline;
(ii) Sterile water;
(iii) Herbs specifically manufactured for injection by means of hypodermic needles;
(iv) Minerals specifically manufactured for injection by means of hypodermic needles;
(v) Vitamins in liquid form specifically manufactured for injection by means of hypodermic needles; and
(vi) Homeopathic and nutritional substances specifically manufactured for injection by means of hypodermic needles.
(b) For the purposes of this section, includes trigger points as a subset of acupuncture points and ashi points as recognized in the current practice of East Asian medicine.
(c) Does not include injection of controlled substances contained in Schedules I through V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, chapter
69.50 RCW or steroids as defined in RCW
(11) Dietary advice and health education based on East Asian medical theory, including the recommendation and sale of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and dietary and nutritional supplements.
Health education. Health education is educational information directed to the patient that attempts to improve, maintain, promote and safeguard the health care of the patient. Health education consists of educating the patient on how the mind, body and spirit connect in context of imbalances, emotional patterns and tendencies as defined by and treated in East Asian medicine. Health education does not include mental health counseling;
(12) Breathing, relaxation, and East Asian exercise techniques;
(13) Qi gong;
(14) East Asian massage. East Asian massage means manual techniques having originated in East Asia involving the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for therapeutic purposes.
(a) East Asian massage consists of:
(i) Applying fixed or movable pressure;
(ii) Passive, resistive, and assisted stretching of fascial and connective tissue;
(iii) Holding or causing movement of the body; or
(iv) Tapping, compressions or friction.
(b) East Asian massage may be performed with the use of tools common to the practice and aids of superficial heat, cold, water, lubricants, salts, minerals, liniments, poultices, and herbs.
(c) East Asian massage does not include attempts to adjust or manipulate any articulations of the body or spine or mobilization of these articulations by the use of a thrusting force.
(15) Tui na. Tui na is a method of East Asian bodywork, characterized by the kneading, pressing, rolling, shaking, and stretching of the body and does not include spinal manipulation; and
(16) Superficial heat and cold therapies.