PDFWAC 296-307-10830

Display requirements for pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information40 C.F.R., Sec. 170.311.

(1) Display of pesticide safety information. Whenever pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information are required to be provided under WAC 296-307-10825(8), pesticide safety information must be legible and displayed in accordance with this subsection.
(a) General. The pesticide safety information must be conveyed in a manner that workers and handlers can understand.
(b) The pesticide safety information must include all of the following points:
(i) Avoid getting on the skin or into the body any pesticides that may be on or in plants, soil, irrigation water, tractors, and other equipment, on used personal protective equipment, or drifting from nearby applications.
(ii) Wash before eating, drinking, using chewing gum or tobacco, or using the toilet.
Consider including other activities that could be a route of exposure such as using a phone or cell phone, or tablet, applying makeup, and getting into a personal vehicle.
(iii) Wear work clothing that protects the body from pesticide residues (long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes and socks, and a hat or scarf).
(iv) Wash or shower with soap and water, shampoo hair, and put on clean clothes after work.
(v) Wash work clothes separately from other clothes before wearing them again.
(vi) If pesticides are spilled or sprayed on the body use decontamination supplies to wash immediately, or rinse off in the nearest clean water, including springs, streams, lakes or other sources if more readily available than decontamination supplies, and as soon as possible, wash or shower with soap and water, shampoo hair, and change into clean clothes.
(vii) Follow directions about keeping out of treated areas and application exclusion zones.
(viii) Instructions to employees to seek medical attention as soon as possible if they believe they have been poisoned, injured or made ill by pesticides.
(ix) The name, address, and telephone number of a nearby operating medical care facility capable of providing emergency medical treatment. This information must be clearly identified as emergency medical contact information on the display.
(x) The name, address, and telephone number of the Washington state department of agriculture and Washington state department of labor and industries, 1-800-4BE-SAFE ( 1-800-423-7233).
(c) Changes to pesticide safety information. The agricultural employer must update the pesticide safety information display within twenty-four hours of notice of any changes to the information required in (b)(ix) of this subsection.
(d) Location. The pesticide safety information must be displayed at each of the following sites on the agricultural establishment:
(i) The site selected pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section for display of pesticide application and hazard information.
(ii) Anywhere that decontamination supplies must be provided on the agricultural establishment pursuant to WAC 296-307-10930, 296-307-11225 or 296-307-11415, but only when the decontamination supplies are located at permanent sites or being provided at locations and in quantities to meet the requirements of ten or more gallons of water.
(e) Accessibility. When pesticide safety information is required to be displayed, workers and handlers must be allowed access to the pesticide safety information at all times during normal work hours.
(2) Keeping and displaying pesticide application and hazard information. Whenever pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information is required to be provided under WAC 296-307-10825(8), pesticide application and hazard information for any pesticides that are used on the agricultural establishment must be displayed in a legible manner, retained, and made accessible in accordance with this subsection.
(a) Content. The pesticide application and hazard information must include all of the following information for each pesticide product applied:
(i) A copy of the safety data sheet (SDS).
(ii) The name, EPA registration number, and active ingredient(s) of the pesticide product.
(iii) The crop or site treated and the location and description of the treated area.
(iv) The date(s) and times the application started and ended.
(v) The duration of the applicable labeling-specified restricted-entry interval for that application.
(b) Location. The pesticide application and hazard information must be displayed at a place on the agricultural establishment where workers and handlers are likely to pass by or congregate and where it can be readily seen and read.
(c) Accessibility. When the pesticide application and hazard information is required to be displayed, workers and handlers must be allowed access to the location of the information at all times during normal work hours.
(d) Timing. The pesticide application and hazard information for each pesticide product applied must be displayed no later than twenty-four hours after the end of the application of the pesticide. The pesticide application and hazard information must be displayed continuously from the beginning of the display period until at least thirty days after the end of the last applicable restricted-entry interval, or until workers or handlers are no longer on the establishment, whichever is earlier.
(e) Record retention. Whenever pesticide safety information and pesticide application and hazard information is required to be displayed in accordance with this subsection, the agricultural employer must retain the pesticide application and hazard information described in (a) of this subsection on the agricultural establishment for seven years after the date of expiration of the restricted-entry interval applicable to the pesticide application conducted.
(f) Access to pesticide application and hazard information by a worker or handler.
(i) If a person is or was employed as a worker or handler by an establishment during the period that particular pesticide application and hazard information was required to be displayed and retained in accordance with (e) and (f) of this subsection, and the person requests a copy of such application and/or hazard information, or requests access to such application and/or hazard information after it is no longer required to be displayed, the agricultural employer must provide the worker or handler with a copy of or access to all of the requested information within fifteen days of the receipt of any such request. The worker or handler may make the request orally or in writing.
(ii) Whenever a record has been previously provided without cost to a worker or handler or their designated representative, the agricultural employer may charge reasonable, nondiscriminatory administrative costs (i.e., search and copying expenses but not including overhead expenses) for a request by the worker or handler for additional copies of the record.
(g) Access to pesticide application and hazard information by treating medical personnel. Any treating medical personnel, or any person acting under the supervision of treating medical personnel, may request, orally or in writing, access to or a copy of any information required to be retained for seven years in (f) of this subsection in order to inform diagnosis or treatment of a worker or handler who was employed on the establishment during the period that the information was required to be displayed. The agricultural employer must promptly provide a copy of or access to all of the requested information applicable to the worker's or handler's time of employment on the establishment after receipt of the request.
(h) Access to pesticide application and hazard information by a designated representative.
(i) Any worker's or handler's designated representative may request access to or a copy of any information required to be retained for seven years in (f) of this subsection on behalf of a worker or handler employed on the establishment during the period that the information was required to be displayed. The agricultural employer must provide access to or a copy of the requested information applicable to the worker's or handler's time of employment on the establishment within fifteen days after receiving any such request, provided the request meets the requirements specified in (h)(ii) of this subsection.
(ii) A request by a designated representative for access to or a copy of any pesticide application and/or hazard information must be in writing and must contain all of the following:
(A) The name of the worker or handler being represented.
(B) A description of the specific information being requested. The description should include the dates of employment of the worker or handler, the date or dates for which the records are requested, type of work conducted by the worker or handler (e.g., planting, harvesting, applying pesticides, mixing or loading pesticides) during the period for which the records are requested, and the specific application and/or hazard information requested.
(C) A written statement clearly designating the representative to request pesticide application and hazard information on the worker's or handler's behalf, bearing the worker's or handler's printed name and signature, the date of the designation, and the printed name and contact information for the designated representative.
(D) If the worker or handler requests that the pesticide application and/or the hazard information be sent, direction for where to send the information (e.g., mailing address or email address).
(iii) If the written request from a designated representative contains all of the necessary information specified in (h)(i) and (ii) of this subsection, the employer must provide a copy of or access to all of the requested information applicable to the worker's or handler's time of employment on the establishment to the designated representative within fifteen days of receiving the request.
(iv) Whenever a record has been previously provided without cost to a worker or handler or their designated representative, the agricultural employer may charge reasonable, nondiscriminatory administrative costs (i.e., search and copying expenses but not including overhead expenses) for a request by the designated representative for additional copies of the record.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.280 and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 19-21-169, § 296-307-10830, filed 10/22/19, effective 2/3/20.]