(Effective until October 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-307-25042

What protection must an employer provide for wall openings?

(1) Wall opening barriers (rails, rollers, picket fences, and half doors) must be constructed and mounted, to withstand a load of at least two hundred pounds applied in any direction (except upward) at any point on the top rail.
(2) Wall opening grab handles must be at least twelve inches long and must be mounted to give 1-1/2 inches clearance from the side framing of the wall opening. The size, material, and anchoring of the grab handle must form a structure that can withstand a load of at least two hundred pounds applied in any direction at any point of the handle.
(3) Wall opening screens must be constructed and mounted to withstand a load of at least two hundred pounds applied horizontally anywhere on the near side of the screen. They must be of solid construction, of grillwork with openings a maximum of four inches long, or of slatwork with openings a maximum of two inches wide and any length.
[WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-25042, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-22-048, § 296-306A-25042, filed 10/31/96, effective 12/1/96.]
(Effective October 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-307-25042

What protection must an employer provide for openings?

See requirements in chapter 296-880 WAC, Unified safety standards for fall protection.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060, and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 20-12-091, § 296-307-25042, filed 6/2/20, effective 10/1/20. WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-25042, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-22-048, § 296-306A-25042, filed 10/31/96, effective 12/1/96.]