Any commercial telephone solicitor who wishes to engage in commercial telephone solicitation as defined by chapter 20, Laws of 1989 must register with the department by:
(1) Completing the following forms prescribed by the department:
(a) Master business application;
(b) Supplemental information form;
(c) Personal history form for each sole proprietor, partner, manager or the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of each corporation; and
(2) Paying the registration fee established in WAC
308-320-060. A commercial telephone solicitor must receive notice of registration from the department prior to conducting business in the state of Washington. A commercial telephone solicitator registration is nontransferable.
[Statutory Authority: 1989 c 20 and RCW
34.05.220. WSR 90-02-060, ยง 308-320-040, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]