PDFWAC 388-829A-010

What definitions apply to this chapter?

The following definitions apply to this chapter:
"ADSA" means the aging and disability services administration within DSHS and its employees and authorized agents.
"Adult protective services" or "APS" means the investigative body designated by ADSA to investigate suspected cases of abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation and neglect as defined in 74.34 RCW.
"Alternative living provider" means an independent contractor with a current contract with the division of developmental disabilities to provide alternative living services.
"Assistance" means help provided to a client for the purpose of training the client in the performance of tasks the task being trained. Assistance does not include personal care as defined in chapter 388-106 WAC or protective supervision.
"Calendar year" means the twelve month period that runs from January 1 through December 31.
"Case manager" means the division of developmental disabilities case resource manager or social worker assigned to a client.
"Client" means a person who has a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020(3) who also has been determined eligible to receive services by the division under chapter 71A.16 RCW.
"Competence" means the capacity to do what one needs and wants to do. There are two ways to be competent. A person may be self-reliant and able to do things for themselves or may have the power to identify and obtain the help needed from others.
"DDD" or "the division" means the division of developmental disabilities (DDD) within the DSHS aging and disabilities services administration of the department of social and health services.
"DDD specialty training" means department approved curriculum to provide information and instruction to meet the special needs of people with developmental disabilities.
"DSHS" or "the department" means the state of Washington department of social and health services and its employees and authorized agents.
"Health and safety" means clients living safely in environments common to other citizens with reasonable supports offered to simultaneously protect their health and safety while promoting community inclusion.
"Individual support plan" or "ISP" is a document that authorizes and identifies the DDD paid services to meet a client's assessed needs.
"Integration" means clients being present and actively participating in the community using the same resources and doing the same activities as other citizens.
"Mandatory reporter" means any person working with vulnerable adults required by law to report incidents of abandonment, abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, etc per chapter 74.34 RCW.
"Positive recognition by self and others" means a client being offered assistance in ways which promote the client's status and creditability. Providers offer assistance in ways that are appropriate to the age of the client, typical to other members of the community and contribute to the client's feelings of self worth and positive regard by others.
"Positive relationships" means clients having friends and family that offer essential support and protection. Friends and family lend continuity and meaning through life and open the way to new opportunities and experiences.
"Power and choice" means clients experiencing power, control, and ownership of their personal affairs. Expression of personal power and choice are essential elements in the lives of people. Such expressions help people gain autonomy, become self-governing and pursue their own interests and goals.
"Regulation" means any federal, state, or local law, rule, ordinance or policy.
"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington, which contains all laws governing the state of Washington.
"Service episode record" or "SER" means documentation by DDD of all client related contacts including contacts during the assessment, service plan, coordination and monitoring of care and termination of services.
"Support" means provider activities done on the client's behalf such as balancing the checkbook.
"Unusual incidents" means a change in circumstances or events that concern a client's safety or well-being. Examples may include, an increased frequency, intensity, or duration of any medical conditions, adverse reactions to medication, hospitalization, death, severe behavioral incidents that are unlike the client's ordinary behavior, severe injury, running away, physical or verbal abuse to themselves or others, etc
"WAC" means the Washington Administrative Code, which are the rules for administering the state laws (RCW).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.30 [71A.12.030] and Title 71A RCW. WSR 07-16-101, ยง 388-829A-010, filed 7/31/07, effective 9/1/07.]