The alternative living service provider may provide training, assistance, and/or support in the following areas, as identified in the client's individual support plan (ISP):
(1) Establishing a residence.
(2) Home living including:
(a) Personal hygiene;
(b) Food and nutrition; and
(c) Home management.
(3) Community living including:
(a) Accessing public and private community services;
(b) Essential shopping; and
(c) Transportation.
(4) Health and safety including:
(a) Understanding personal safety and emergency procedures;
(b) Physical, mental and dental health; and
(c) Developing and practicing an emergency response plan to address natural and other disasters.
(5) Social activities including:
(a) Community integration; and
(b) Building relationships.
(6) Protection and advocacy including:
(a) Money management and budgeting;
(b) Protecting self from exploitation;
(c) Making choices and decisions; and
(d) Asserting rights and finding advocacy.
(7) Other training and support to assist a client to live independently.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.30 [71A.12.030] and Title
71A RCW. WSR 07-16-101, ยง 388-829A-030, filed 7/31/07, effective 9/1/07.]