(1) DDD must use the following monitoring process to oversee alternative living services and providers:
(a) Conduct an in-home visit every twelve months;
(b) Review all written reports from the provider for compliance with the instruction and support goals specified in the client's ISP; and
(c) Initial and file all written reports submitted by the provider and document in the service episode record.
(2) DDD must conduct an annual evaluation of the alternative living program with a sample of alternative living providers and clients who receive services. If the evaluation indicates concerns, a corrective action plan will be developed. The corrective action plan will:
(a) Outline methods for the provider to comply with the requirements; and
(b) Provide a time frame for completion of the corrective actions.
(3) DDD may stop the authorization for payment or terminate the contract if the corrective actions are not completed with the specified timeline.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.30 [71A.12.030] and Title
71A RCW. WSR 07-16-101, ยง 388-829A-280, filed 7/31/07, effective 9/1/07.]