PDFWAC 388-833-0005


"CCSS review team" means DDA staff who review referrals to the CCSS program.
"Crisis" means a set of circumstances or events that:
(1) Put a participant at risk of hospitalization, institutionalization, or loss of residence;
(2) Exceeds a participant's individual ability to cope/remain stable; or
(3) Exceeds the ability of the participant's caregivers to provide necessary supports.
"CRM/SW/SSS" means the DDA case resource manager, DDA social worker, or DDA social service specialist assigned to an individual or participant in the CCSS program.
"Developmental disabilities administration" or "DDA" means the developmental disabilities administration within the department of social and health services.
"Individual" means a person who has a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020(5) who also has been determined eligible to receive services by the administration under chapter 71A.16 RCW. Other terms used in the field include "client" and "resident."
"Participant" means the individual who is accessing the community crisis stabilization service.
"Participant team" means individuals who work together to provide formal and informal supports to a participant. A typical team includes CCSS staff, the CRM/SW/SSS, the participant's family/legal representative(s), and service providers working with the participant.
"Regional clinical team" means DDA staff who may respond to crisis situations by providing assessment, training, behavior support and consultation as well as behavioral health stabilization services to DDA enrolled individuals.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030 and 2011 1st sp.s. c 30. WSR 15-08-081, § 388-833-0005, filed 3/31/15, effective 5/1/15.]