The four priority elements that are common to all projects are as follows:
(1) Type of space - Ten possible points. In this element the net assignable square feet (NASF) of a project are identified by planned space inventory category. Category One is space used for scheduled instruction and libraries (classrooms, laboratories, PE teaching space, libraries, and learning resource centers). Category Two is space used in support of instruction (assembly, student services, office space, and classroom/lab service and support). Category Three space is cafeteria/food service, spectator seating, covered play areas, and general support space. The formula for determining points prorates the NASF with weightings of ten for Category One, seven for Category Two, and four for Category Three as shown below.
NASF of Category One | X | 10 points = X |
NASF of Category Two | X | 7 points = X |
NASF of Category Three | X | 4 points = X |
Then: The sum of X divided by the sum of NASF equals points.
(2) Local priority - Five points. For this element, five maximum points are awarded to the district's first priority project. Each priority from there has one point deducted from it, to a minimum of zero points awarded.
(3) Joint funding - Five possible points. A binding agreement between the school district and another governmental entity for the joint financing of new construction or modernization of space which is not otherwise eligible for state funding assistance.
Total Project Cost Up to $1,000,000 | Required Joint Funding 25% of total project cost |
Between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 | $275,000 |
Between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 | $300,000 |
Between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 | $325,000 |
Between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000 | $350,000 |
Between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 | $375,000 |
Between $6,000,000 and $7,000,000 | $400,000 |
Between $7,000,000 and $8,000,000 | $425,000 |
Between $8,000,000 and $9,000,000 | $450,000 |
Between $9,000,000 and $10,000,000 | $475,000 |
$10,000,000 and over | $500,000 |
(4) Modified calendar or schedule - Five possible points. For this element, up to five points utilizing the table below will be awarded to a project in a district which has adopted a modified school calendar or schedule that enables more students to use school buildings each year over what current state capacity standards at WAC
392-343-035 recognize for state funding assistance purposes. The modified calendar or schedule shall utilize either extended school day or additional days for instruction in the year. The enrollment percentage shall be calculated on the same grade span groupings as for eligibility in WAC
392-343-050. For the purpose of this subsection, the enrollment shall include all students enrolled at the facility as opposed to only those students in attendance.
Enrollment Percentage Increase Over Capacity | Priority Points |
20 to above | | 5 |
16 to 19.9 | | 4 |
12 to 15.9 | | 3 |
8 to 11.9 | | 2 |
4 to 7.9 | | 1 |
Below 4 | | 0 |
The scores for this group of elements will be determined after district compliance with the requirements of WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.525.020. WSR 10-09-008, § 392-343-505, filed 4/8/10, effective 5/9/10; WSR 06-16-032, amended and recodified as § 392-343-505, filed 7/25/06, effective 8/25/06; WSR 98-19-143, § 180-27-505, filed 9/23/98, effective 10/24/98. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.525.020 and 1993 [1992] c 233 § 24 (8)(e). WSR 93-04-019, § 180-27-505, filed 1/26/93, effective 2/26/93. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.525.020 and 1992 c 233 § 24(8). WSR 92-16-058, § 180-27-505, filed 8/3/92, effective 9/3/92.]