PDFWAC 132S-90-030

Admissions and registration procedures.

Columbia Basin College maintains an open door admission policy and grants admission to applicants who are at least eighteen years of age and/or have graduated from high schools accredited by a regional accrediting association or have a GED certificate. Home school graduates and graduates from nonaccredited high schools are required to petition for admissions through the admissions/graduation committee. For further information regarding the petition process, contact the student records office.
Applicants who are less than sixteen years of age and/or do not meet CBC admission requirements must petition for admissions through the admissions/graduation committee. For further information regarding the petition process, contact the student records office.
Admission to CBC does not guarantee admission to all degree or certificate programs. Some programs have special applications and admission procedures and limited entry dates. Students should consult the individual program and/or department for admission requirements.
Admissions and registration regulations and procedures for students wishing to attend Columbia Basin College are published in the college catalog. Copies of the catalog are available online at www.columbiabasin.edu. Questions and inquires about admission and registration regulations and procedures should be directed to the student records office or the college registrar.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 16-12-039, ยง 132S-90-030, filed 5/25/16, effective 6/25/16.]