PDFWAC 132S-90-060


(1) A resident student is one who is a U.S. citizen and has met specific requirements demonstrating permanent residence in the state of Washington. Permanent residence in the state of Washington is evidenced by physical presence in the state as well as having a sufficient number of permanent Washington documents. Documentation should be dated one year and one day prior to the commencement of the quarter for which a student is applying for residency status. These documents include:
(a) Voter's registration;
(b) Washington state driver's license;
(c) Car registration;
(d) Bank accounts;
(e) Federal tax return (required).
(2) Students wishing to change their residency classification must complete a residency questionnaire and provide necessary documentation. Application for reclassification prior to registration into classes is preferred. Residency reclassification must take place within thirty calendar days of the first day of the quarter. Special tuition allowances may apply to some eligible noncitizens, Washington higher education employees, and to military personnel and their dependents stationed in the state of Washington. For further information, contact the student records office.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 16-12-039, ยง 132S-90-060, filed 5/25/16, effective 6/25/16.]