PDFWAC 135-110-810

Signage and notice required.

(1) When a polling site is changed in response to an emergency, signage sufficient to notify potential voters must be provided to redirect voters to the new polling site(s). Poll times should be extended to allow for additional travel time to the relocated polls.
(2) When the election date or location is changed in response to an emergency, due notice should be given to the public of the change. If due notice is not possible, the conservation district must take reasonable measures to inform the public of the change. Such measures may include, but are not limited to: Announcements on local radio or television; posting on web pages; announcements in newspapers; and posting of handbills or flyers.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 89.08.040, 89.08.190, and 89.08.200. WSR 10-21-084, ยง 135-110-810, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.]