501 - Committing homicide |
502 - Committing aggravated assault against another offender |
507 - Committing an act that would constitute a felony and that is not otherwise included in these rules |
511 - Committing aggravated assault against a visitor or community member |
521 - Taking or holding any person hostage |
550 - Escaping |
601 - Possessing, manufacturing, or introducing an explosive device or any ammunition, or any component thereof |
602 - Possessing, manufacturing, or introducing any firearm, weapon, sharpened instrument, knife, or poison, or any component thereof |
603 - Introducing or transferring any unauthorized drug or drug paraphernalia |
604 - Committing aggravated assault against a staff member |
611 - Committing sexual assault against a staff member |
613 - Committing an act of sexual contact against a staff member |
635 - Committing sexual assault against another offender, as defined in department policy (i.e., aggravated sexual assault or offender-on-offender sexual assault) |
637 - Committing sexual abuse against another offender, as defined in department policy |
650 - Rioting, as defined in RCW 9.94.010 |
651 - Inciting others to riot, as defined in RCW 9.94.010 |
830 - Escaping from work/training release with voluntary return within 24 hours |
831 - While in work/training release, failing to return from an authorized sign out |
882 - While in prison, introducing, possessing, or using a cell phone, electronic/wireless communication device, or related equipment without authorization |
504 - Engaging in a sex act with another person(s) within the facility that is not otherwise included in these rules, except in an approved extended family visit |
553 - Setting a fire |
560 - Possessing items or materials likely to be used in an escape without authorization |
633 - Assaulting another offender |
704 - Assaulting a staff member |
711 - Assaulting a visitor or community member |
744 - Making a bomb threat |
884 - Urinating, defecating, or placing feces or urine in any location other than a toilet or authorized receptacle |
886 - Adulterating any food or drink |
892 - Giving, selling, or trading any prescribed medication, or possessing another offender's prescribed medication |
505 - Fighting with another offender |
556 - Refusing to submit to or cooperate in a search when ordered to do so by a staff member |
607 - Refusing to submit to a urinalysis and/or failing to provide a urine sample within the allotted time frame when ordered to do so by a staff member |
608 - Refusing or failing to submit to a breath alcohol test or other standard sobriety test when ordered to do so by a staff member |
609 - Refusing or failing to submit to testing required by policy, statute, or court order, not otherwise included in these rules, when ordered to do so by a staff member |
652 - Engaging in or inciting a group demonstration |
655 - Making any drug, alcohol, or intoxicating substance, or possessing ingredients, equipment, items, formulas, or instructions that are used in making any drug, alcohol, or intoxicating substance |
682 - Engaging in or inciting an organized work stoppage |
707 - Introducing or transferring alcohol or any intoxicating substance not otherwise included in these rules |
716 - Using an over the counter medication without authorization or failing to take prescribed medication as required when administered under supervision |
736 - Possessing, manufacturing, or introducing an unauthorized key or electronic security access device |
750 - Committing indecent exposure |
752 - Possessing, or receiving a positive test for use of, an unauthorized drug, alcohol, or intoxicating substance |
778 - Providing a urine specimen that has been diluted, substituted, or altered in any way |
503 - Extorting or blackmailing, or demanding or receiving anything of value in return for protection against others or under threat of informing |
506 - Threatening another with bodily harm or with any offense against any person or property |
509 - Refusing a direct order by any staff member to proceed to or disperse from a particular area |
525 - Violating conditions of a furlough |
549 - Providing false or misleading information during any stage of an investigation of sexual misconduct, as defined in department policy |
558 - Interfering with staff members, medical personnel, firefighters, or law enforcement personnel in the performance of their duties |
600 - Tampering with, damaging, blocking, or interfering with any locking, monitoring, or security device |
605 - Impersonating any staff member, other offender, or visitor |
653 - Causing an inaccurate count or interfering with count by means of unauthorized absence, hiding, concealing oneself, or other form of deception or distraction |
654 - Counterfeiting or forging, or altering, falsifying, or reproducing any document, article of identification, money, or security or other official paper without authorization |
660 - Possessing money, stamps, or other negotiable instruments without authorization, the total value of which is five dollars or more |
709 - Out-of-bounds: Being in another offender's cell or being in an area in the facility with one or more offenders without authorization |
738 - Possessing clothing or assigned equipment of a staff member |
739 - Possessing, transferring, or soliciting any person's identification information, including current staff members or their immediate family members, when not voluntarily given. Identification information includes Social Security numbers, home addresses, telephone numbers, driver's license numbers, medical, personnel, financial, or real estate information, bank or credit card numbers, or other like information not authorized by the superintendent |
745 - Refusing a transfer to another facility |
746 - Engaging in or inciting an organized hunger strike |
762 - Noncompliance with the DOSA program. Note: This violation must be initiated by authorized staff and heard by a community corrections hearing officer in accordance with chapter 137-24 WAC |
777 - Causing injury to another person by resisting orders, assisted movement, or physical efforts to restrain |
813 - Being in the community without authorization, or being in an unauthorized location in the community |
814 - While in work/training release, violating an imposed special condition |
879 - Operating or being in a motor vehicle without permission or in an unauthorized manner or location |
889 - Using facility phones, information technology resources/systems, or related equipment without authorization |
508 - Spitting or throwing objects, materials, or substances in the direction of another person(s) |
557 - Refusing to participate in an available work, training, education, or other mandatory programming assignment |
563 - Making a false fire alarm or tampering with, damaging, blocking, or interfering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, fire exits, or other firefighting equipment or devices |
610 - While in prison, receiving or possessing prescribed medication without authorization |
620 - Receiving or possessing contraband during participation in off-grounds or outer perimeter activity or work detail |
659 - Committing sexual harassment against another offender, as defined in department policy |
661 - Committing sexual harassment against a staff member, visitor, or community member |
663 - Using physical force, intimidation, or coercion against any person |
702 - Possessing, manufacturing, or introducing an unauthorized tool |
708 - Organizing or participating in an unauthorized group activity or meeting |
717 - Causing a threat of injury to another person by resisting orders, assisted movement, or physical efforts to restrain |
720 - Flooding a cell or other area of the facility |
724 - Refusing a cell or housing assignment |
734 - Participating or engaging in the activities of any unauthorized club, organization, gang, or security threat group; or wearing or possessing the symbols of an unauthorized club, organization, gang, or security threat group |
810 - Failing to seek/maintain employment or training or maintain oneself financially, or being terminated from a work, training, education, or other programming assignment for negative or substandard performance |
893 - Damaging, altering, or destroying any item that results in the concealment of contraband or demonstrates the ability to conceal contraband |
896 - Harassing, using abusive language, or engaging in other offensive behavior directed to or in the presence of another person(s) or group(s) based upon race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or status as a state registered domestic partner, disability, veteran's status, or genetic information |
899 - Failing to obtain prior written authorization from the sentencing court, contrary to RCW 9.94A.645, prior to commencing or engaging in any civil action against any victim or family of the victim of any serious violent crime the offender committed |
552 - Causing an innocent person to be penalized or proceeded against by providing false information |
554 - Damaging, altering, or destroying any item that is not the offender's personal property, the value of which is ten dollars or more |
710 - Acquiring an unauthorized tattoo/piercing/scar, tattooing/piercing/scarring another, or possessing tattoo/piercing/scarring paraphernalia |
718 - Using the mail, telephone, or electronic communications in violation of any law, court order, or previous written warning, direction, and/or documented disciplinary action |
726 - Telephoning, sending written or electronic communication, or otherwise initiating communication with a minor without the approval of that minor's parent or guardian |
606 - Possessing, introducing, or transferring any tobacco, tobacco products, matches, or tobacco paraphernalia |
657 - Being found guilty of four or more general violations arising out of separate incidents within a 90-day period |
658 - Failing to comply with any administrative or posthearing sanction imposed for committing any violation |
812 - Failing to report/turn in all earnings |
517 - Committing an act that would constitute a misdemeanor and that is not otherwise included in these rules |
551 - Providing false information to the hearing officer or in a disciplinary appeal |
555 - Stealing property, possessing stolen property, or possessing another offender's property |
559 - Gambling or possessing gambling paraphernalia |
656 - Giving, receiving, or offering any person a bribe or anything of value for an unauthorized favor or service |
662 - Soliciting goods or services for which the provider would expect payment, when the offender knows or should know that he/she lacks sufficient funds to cover the cost |
706 - Giving false information when proposing a release plan |
714 - Giving, selling, purchasing, borrowing, lending, trading, or accepting money or anything of value except through approved channels, the value of which is ten dollars or more |
725 - Telephoning or sending written or electronic communication to any offender in a correctional facility, directly or indirectly, without prior written approval of the superintendent/community corrections supervisor/designee |
728 - Possessing any sexually explicit material(s), as defined in WAC 137-48-020 |
740 - Committing fraud or embezzlement, or obtaining goods, services, money, or anything of value under false pretense |
741 - Stealing food, the value of which is five dollars or more |
742 - Establishing a pattern of creating false emergencies by feigning illness or injury |
755 - Misusing or wasting issued supplies, goods, services, or property, the replacement value of which is ten dollars or more |
811 - Entering into an unauthorized contract |
861 - Performing or taking part in an unauthorized marriage |
890 - Failing to follow a medical directive and/or documented medical recommendations, resulting in injury |