PDFWAC 137-30-060

Release date.

(1) To calculate an offender's release date on a determinate sentence, the jail time and jail earned release time are deducted from the total sentence. The earned release time applicable per statute is applied to the adjusted sentence.
(2) A determinate offender held beyond his/her earned release date (ERD) may have available ERT taken if found guilty of a serious infraction as defined in WAC 137-25-030.
(3) An offender with an established release date who receives a category A infraction after a community release plan has been approved will have the release date suspended until adjudication of the infraction and all time loss and sanctions are completed.
(4) The staff responsible for entering the sanction information will notify the CRS or designee immediately by telephone and via email if the release date changes, when the offender is denied earned time or loses good conduct time or when time is restored and the ERD is in less than one hundred twenty days.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.09.130, 72.01.090, and 9.95.070. WSR 11-11-018, ยง 137-30-060, filed 5/9/11, effective 6/9/11.]