"Compact" means the interstate compact for adult offender supervision as codified in RCW
"Compact administrator" means the administrator in each compacting state responsible for the interstate compact.
"Compact commissioner" means the individual in each compacting state who is appointed under the terms of the interstate compact and who is the state's voting representative at meetings of the interstate commission of adult offender supervision.
"Deputy compact administrator" means the individual in each compacting state responsible for the administration and management of the state's supervision and transfer of offenders subject to the terms of the interstate compact.
"Offender" means an individual placed under, or made subject to, supervision as a result of the conviction of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the interstate compact.
"Receiving state" means the state to which an offender requests transfer of supervision or is transferred.
"Sending state" means the state requesting the transfer of an offender, or which transfers supervision of an offender, under the terms of the compact and its rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
72.01.090 and chapter
9.94A RCW. WSR 11-16-058, ยง 137-69-010, filed 7/29/11, effective 8/29/11.]