PDFWAC 192-35-040

Application for listing as a vendor in good standing.

The application for listing as a vendor in good standing must be submitted on forms approved by the SUAC and shall be accompanied by additional documentation as follows:
(1) Applications from community rehabilitation programs must be accompanied by:
(a) A document issued by the department of social and health services recognizing the applicant as eligible to do business as a community rehabilitation program; and
(b) A document issued by the secretary of state establishing that the applicant is registered as a nonprofit corporation.
(2) Applications by business owned and operated by persons with disabilities must be accompanied by documentation:
(a) Issued by the department of social and health services establishing that the individual exercising ownership and control has been determined to have a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020; or
(b) Issued by an agency established under Title I of the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act establishing that the individual exercising ownership and control has been determined to be or have been eligible for vocational rehabilitation services; or
(c) Issued by the United States Social Security Administration establishing that the individual exercising ownership and control has been determined to be or have been eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance or supplemental security income; or
(d) Issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs establishing that the individual exercising ownership and control has been determined to be or have been eligible for vocational rehabilitation services due to a service connected disability under 38 U.S.C. Sec. 3100 et seq.
(3) Applications must be accompanied by documentation that objectively demonstrates that the applicant has met or made progress over the previous twelve months toward meeting a minimum of six of the following criteria:
(a) The number of people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are working in integrated settings. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting for the same quarter in the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(b) The percentage of the people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are working in integrated settings. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the percent of those people with disabilities employed by it and working in an integrated setting, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting for the same quarter in the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(c) The number of people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are working in individual supported employment settings. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in individual supported employment settings, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in individual supported employment settings for the same quarter for the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in individual employment settings for the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(d) The percentage of the people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are working in individual supported employment settings. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the percent of people with disabilities among all individuals employed by it, and working in an individual supported employment setting, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an integrated setting for the same quarter of the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, and working in an individual supported employment setting, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(e) The number of people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who, during the last twelve months, have transitioned to less restrictive employment settings either within the entity or with other community employers. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities who had been employed by it at some point during the twelve months immediately preceding the time of application and had transitioned to less restrictive employment settings during those twelve months either within the entity or with other community employers was greater than the number of such employees who had made such a transition during the prior twelve months. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people who had been employed by it at some point during the twelve months immediately preceding the time of application and had transitioned to less restrictive employment settings during those twelve months either within the entity or with other community employers at the time of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(f) The number of people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are earning at least the state minimum wage. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, who were paid at least the state minimum wage for all hours worked, during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and paid at least the state minimum wage for all hours worked for the same quarter for the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it, and paid at least the state minimum wage for all hours worked for the same quarter of the previous year is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(g) The percentage of the people with disabilities in the entity's total work force who are earning at least the state minimum wage. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the percent of people with disabilities among all people with disabilities employed by it, who were paid at least the state minimum wage for all hours worked during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, who were paid at least state minimum wage for all hours worked for the same quarter for the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it, who were paid at least state minimum wage for all hours worked for the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(h) The number of people with disabilities serving in supervisory capacities within the entity. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it in positions in which they supervised the work of other employees during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the number of people with disabilities employed by it in such positions during the same quarter for the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities employed by it in positions in which they supervised the work of other employees during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(i) The percentage of supervisory positions within the entity that are occupied by people with disabilities. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the percent of people with disabilities among all individuals employed by it in positions in which they supervise the work of other employees during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it in such positions for the same quarter of the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it in supervisory positions at the time of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(j) The number of people with disabilities serving in an ownership capacity or on the governing board of the entity. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities who exercise ownership and participate in the day to day management of the entity, or who serve in elected or appointed positions on a board with the authority to hire and fire the executive director of the entity during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is greater than the number of people with disabilities in such positions during the same quarter for the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the number of people with disabilities in such positions during the quarter immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(k) The ratio of the total amount paid by the entity in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to people with disabilities as compared to the total amount paid by the entity in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to persons without disabilities during the previous year. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the total amount paid by it in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to people with disabilities during the twelve months immediately preceding the date of application had increased in proportion to the total amount it paid in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to people who do not have a disability when compared to the ratio of those two figures from the previous year. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the ratio of the total amount paid by the entity in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to people with disabilities as compared to the total amount paid by the entity in wages, salaries, and related employment benefits to persons without disabilities for the twelve months immediately preceding the date of application is at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the application base.
(l) The percentage of people with disabilities in the entity's total work force for whom the entity has developed a reasonable, achievable, and written career plan. To demonstrate progress for this criterion an applicant's documentation must show that the percent of people with disabilities employed by it, for whom it had developed reasonable, achievable, written career plans, at the time of application was greater than the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it for whom it had developed reasonable, achievable, written career plans one year prior to the time of application. To demonstrate that it has met this criterion, an applicant's documentation must show that the percentage of people with disabilities employed by it for whom it had developed reasonable, achievable, written career plans at the time of application was at least one standard deviation higher than the norm for this criterion derived from the applications submitted that program year.
(4) In the event that the SUAC preliminarily determines that the documentation provided in an application is insufficient to demonstrate objectively that the applicant has made progress in or met at least six of the relevant eligibility criteria under this chapter, the SUAC will communicate that determination to the applicant in writing. The notification will clearly identify the specific criteria for which the SUAC determined the applicant's documentation to be insufficient. The SUAC will hold the application open for up to six months from the date of the notification during which time the applicant may submit additional documentation addressing the identified deficiencies.
(5) Applicants must also provide such documentation as may be required by the department of general administration to establish:
(a) That the applicant has not been in material breach of any quality or performance provision of any contract for the purchase of goods or services during the past thirty-six months; and
(b) Those goods and services for which the applicant is seeking to be listed as a vendor in good standing.
(6) Applicants must also provide such additional information, or documentation as may be required by the office of minority and women's business enterprises for the purpose of determining ownership and exercise of control of a business.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50.12.040. WSR 05-02-094, ยง 192-35-040, filed 1/5/05, effective 2/5/05.]