(1) For travel, per diem, and accommodation expenses to be eligible for reimbursement from this fund, the accessible community advisory committee meeting or sponsored activity must be approved in advance by the governor's committee on disability issues and employment. A form will be available on the accessible communities website for this purpose, and will require an estimate of the projected travel, per diem, and accommodation expenses for that advisory committee meeting or sponsored activity. Prior approval of an accessible community advisory committee meeting or sponsored activity as eligible for reimbursement of travel, per diem, and accommodation expenses for the participation of committee members will be based on the following:
(a) Availability of funds;
(b) Active committee status;
(c) Elimination of the more significant travel, communication, or physical barriers to participation by people with disabilities in committee meetings or committee sponsored activities; and
(d) Support of opportunities for diverse participation on accessible community advisory committees.
(2) Travel and per diem for preapproved meetings and activities will be reimbursed following receipt, review, and approval of completed travel vouchers. The reimbursement will be at the same rates as those adopted for state employees by the office of financial management.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
50.40.073. WSR 12-24-035, ยง 192-50-020, filed 11/29/12, effective 12/30/12.]