Every decision issued by the office of administrative hearings, other than an order approving a withdrawal of appeal, a consent order, or an interim order, and every decision issued by the commissioner under RCW
50A.50.090, other than an interim order or an order granting or denying a motion for reconsideration or a stay, shall:
(1) Be captioned and include the name of the agency and name of the proceeding;
(2) Designate all parties and representatives participating in the proceeding;
(3) Include a concise statement of the nature and background of the proceeding;
(4) Contain appropriate numbered findings of fact meeting the requirements in RCW
(5) Contain appropriate numbered conclusions of law, including citations of statutes and rules relied upon;
(6) Contain an initial or final order disposing of all contested issues; and
(7) Be accompanied by or contain a statement of petition for review or petition for judicial review rights.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
50A.04.215. WSR 19-23-090, ยง 192-800-090, filed 11/19/19, effective 12/20/19.]