PDFWAC 192-910-015

What are the employer's responsibilities for premium deductions?

(1) Employers must deduct premiums for each pay period in which the employee receives wages.
(2) When an employer is found by the department to be noncompliant with collecting premiums from an employee, the employer must file an amended report and pay the past due premiums.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply if:
(a) An employer was unable to deduct the premium for a pay period due to a lack of sufficient employee wages for that pay period; or
(b) The employee has an approved exemption under RCW 50B.04.085 and has provided the required proof of the exemption to the employer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50B.04.020, 50B.04.080, 50B.04.090 and 50B.04.120. WSR 21-17-140, ยง 192-910-015, filed 8/18/21, effective 9/18/21.]