PDFWAC 296-14-330

What tobacco use shall exclude a firefighter from a presumption of coverage?

The following table summarizes the situations listed in WAC 296-14-310 through 296-14-325 under which a presumption of coverage shall or shall not apply for firefighters due to tobacco use.
Medical condition
Presumptions shall not apply
Presumption shall apply
Heart problems experienced within seventy-two hours of exposure to smoke, fumes, or toxic substance
Current smoker
Firefighters that never smoked tobacco
Former smoker who last smoked less than two years prior to the cardiac event
Former smoker who last smoked two years or more prior to the cardiac event
Current smoker
Firefighters that never smoked tobacco
Former smoker who last smoked less than five years before date of manifestation of the disease
Former smoker who last smoked five years or more before date of manifestation of the disease
COPD/emphysema/chronic bronchitis
Current smoker
Firefighters that never smoked tobacco
Former smoker who last smoked less than fifteen years before date of manifestation of the disease
Former smoker who last smoked fifteen years or more before date of manifestation of the disease
Lung cancer
Current smoker
Firefighters that never smoked
Former smoker who last smoked less than fifteen years before date of manifestation of the disease
Former smoker who last smoked fifteen years or more before date of manifestation of the disease
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.32.185. WSR 03-12-046, ยง 296-14-330, filed 5/30/03, effective 7/1/03.]