The term "wages" is defined as:
(1) The gross cash wages paid by the employer for services performed. "Cash wages" means payment in cash, by check, by electronic transfer or by other means made directly to the worker before any mandatory deductions required by state or federal law. Tips are also considered wages but only to the extent they are reported to the employer for federal income tax purposes.
(2) Bonuses paid by the employer of record as part of the employment contract in the twelve months immediately preceding the injury or date of disease manifestation.
(3) The reasonable value of board, housing, fuel and other consideration of like nature received from the employer at the time of injury or on the date of disease manifestation that are part of the contract of hire.
Exception: | Payments for items other than board, housing, fuel or other consideration of like nature made by the employer to a trust fund or other entity for fringe benefits do not constitute wages. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
51.04.020 and 142 Wn.2d 801 (2001). WSR 03-11-035, ยง 296-14-522, filed 5/15/03, effective 6/15/03.]