PDFWAC 296-96-02530


Handrails are not required. Where handrails are provided in elevator cars, they shall comply with the following:
(1) Be securely attached to the wall;
(2) Be located at a height between 32 in. and 38 in. from the top of the handrail to the floor; and
(3) Be constructed with smooth surfaces and no sharp corners; and
(4) Be configured with a gripping surface as required by ANSI/ICC A117.1 for handrails.
Residential conveyances are excluded from this requirement.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 21-18-096, § 296-96-02530, filed 8/31/21, effective 10/1/21; WSR 18-18-070, § 296-96-02530, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18; WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02530, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02530, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.]