PDFWAC 296-135-190

Prohibited acts.

An employer cannot discharge, threaten to discharge, demote, deny a promotion to, sanction, discipline, retaliate against, harass, or otherwise discriminate against an employee with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because the employee:
(1) Exercised or attempted to exercise the right to take leave under RCW 49.76.030;
(2) Filed or communicated to the employer an intent to file a complaint with the department under RCW 49.76.070 or a civil action under RCW 49.76.100; or
(3) Participated or assisted, as a witness or otherwise, in another employee's attempt to exercise rights under RCW 49.76.030, 49.76.070, or 49.76.100.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.76 RCW and 2008 c 286. WSR 10-14-099, ยง 296-135-190, filed 7/6/10, effective 9/1/10.]