(1) We may enter into reciprocal agreements with states who have construction standards that are equal to or greater than our standards for factory-built structures.
(2) When we have a reciprocal agreement with another state:
(a) The reciprocal state inspects factory-built temporary worker housing structures manufactured in that state before shipment into Washington to ensure compliance with our laws. After inspection, the reciprocal state applies our insignia.
(b) The department inspects factory-built structures manufactured in Washington before shipment into the reciprocal state to ensure compliance with their laws. After inspection, we apply the insignia of the reciprocal state.
(3) Reciprocal agreements shall remain on file.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.22.480. WSR 99-12-079, ยง 296-150T-0070, filed 5/28/99, effective 6/28/99.]