(1) The operator must not engage in any practice that diverts their attention while actually engaged in operating the crane.
(2) Stabilizers/outriggers must be visible to the operator or to a signal person during extension or setting.
(3) When the crane is equipped with stabilizers/outriggers, they must be extended and set per manufacturer's recommendations. When applicable, cribbing under the stabilizers/outriggers must meet the following requirements:
(a) Strong enough to prevent crushing;
(b) Of such thickness, width, and length as to completely support the pad.
(4) Crane supports for individual stabilizer/outrigger pads must be level to the manufacturer's specifications or those of a qualified person. Supports may be timbers, cribbing, or other structural members to distribute the load so as not to exceed the allowable bearing capacity of the underlying material.
(5) In transit the boom must be carried in stowed position, as recommended by the manufacturer.
(6) The crane must not travel with a load on the hook unless allowed by the manufacturer.
(7) You must not use articulating boom cranes with suspended work platforms (baskets).
(8) The use of attached work platforms to the boom must be approved by the crane manufacturer.
Note: | Requirements for personnel lifting are located in WAC 296-155-547. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 16-09-085, § 296-155-53815, filed 4/19/16, effective 5/20/16. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060, and 29 C.F.R. 1926, Subpart CC. WSR 12-01-086, § 296-155-53815, filed 12/20/11, effective 2/1/12.]