(1) Before steel erection work can start the controlling contractor must ensure the steel erector is provided written notifications that:
(a) The concrete in the footings, piers and walls and the mortar in the masonry piers and walls has attained either:
• 75% of the intended minimum compressive design strength; or
• Sufficient strength to support the loads imposed during steel erection.
The basis of these measurements is the appropriate ASTM standard test method of field cured samples.
(b) Any repairs, replacements and modifications to the anchor bolts were done per WAC
(2) The steel erector must receive written notice that the concrete in the footings, piers and walls or the mortar in the masonry piers and walls has attained, on the basis of an appropriate ASTM standard test method of field-cured samples, either 75% of the intended minimum compressive design strength or sufficient strength to support the loads imposed during steel erection.
(3) Site layout. The controlling contractor must ensure that the following is provided and maintained:
(a) Adequate access roads into and through the site for the safe delivery and movement of derricks, cranes, trucks, other necessary equipment, and the material to be erected and means and methods for pedestrian and vehicular control.
Exception: | This requirement does not apply to roads outside the construction site. |
(b) A firm, properly graded, drained area, readily accessible to the work with adequate space for the safe storage of materials and the safe operation of the erector's equipment.
Preplanning of overhead hoisting operations. You must preplan all hoisting operations in steel erection to ensure that the requirements of WAC
296-155-704(4) are met.
Site-specific erection plan. Where employers elect, due to conditions specific to the site, to develop alternate means and methods that provide employee protection in accordance with WAC
296-155-704 (3)(e),
296-155-709 (1)(d) or (5)(d), a site-specific erection plan must be developed by a qualified person and be available at the worksite. Guidelines for establishing a site-specific erection plan are contained in Appendix A to this part.
(6) You must perform steel erection under the supervision of a competent person who is present at the worksite.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 16-09-085, § 296-155-703, filed 4/19/16, effective 5/20/16. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. WSR 02-13-115, § 296-155-703, filed 6/19/02, effective 9/1/02.]