(1) WAC
296-307-097 through
296-307-09760 applies to all employers with employees performing work in an outdoor environment.
(2) The requirements of WAC
296-307-097 through
296-307-09760 apply to outdoor work environments from May 1 through September 30, annually, only when employees are exposed to outdoor heat at or above an applicable temperature listed in Table 1.
Table 1
To determine which temperature applies to each worksite, select the temperature associated with the general type of clothing or personal protective equipment (PPE) each employee is required to wear.
Outdoor Temperature Action Levels
All other clothing | 89° |
Double-layer woven clothes including coveralls, jackets and sweatshirts | 77° |
Nonbreathing clothes including vapor barrier clothing or PPE such as chemical resistant suits | 52° |
Note: | There is no requirement to maintain temperature records. The temperatures in Table 1 were developed based on Washington state data and are not applicable to other states. |
(3) WAC
296-307-097 through
296-307-09760 does not apply to incidental exposure which exists when an employee is not required to perform a work activity outdoors for more than fifteen minutes in any sixty-minute period. This exception may be applied every hour during the work shift.
(4) WAC
296-307-097 through
296-307-09760 supplement all industry-specific standards with related requirements. Where the requirements under these sections provide more specific or greater protection than the industry-specific standards, the employer must comply with the requirements under these sections. Additional related requirements are found in chapter
296-305 WAC, Safety standards for firefighters and chapter
296-307 WAC, Safety standards for agriculture.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 20-21-091, § 296-307-09710, filed 10/20/20, effective 11/20/20; WSR 09-07-098, § 296-307-09710, filed 3/18/09, effective 5/1/09.]