PDFWAC 296-307-16127

TWH management plan.

(1) The operator licensed under this chapter must develop and implement a written TWH management plan that must include:
(a) A safety plan that includes the following:
(i) Emergency information, including site name and address, emergency contact phone numbers, location of local emergency services, and the department of health bilingual TWH complaint line;
(ii) A plan for contacting a first-aid trained person or emergency services within a reasonable amount of time; and
(iii) Those designated actions operators and occupants must take to ensure occupant safety from fire and other emergencies, including the following:
(A) Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments;
(B) Procedures to account for all occupants after emergency evacuation has been completed;
(C) The preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies; and
(D) Names or regular job titles of those who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan.
(iv) Training. Designate and train a sufficient number of occupants to assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of occupants; and
(v) Maintenance. Regularly and properly maintain, according to established procedures, equipment and systems installed on heat producing equipment to prevent accidental ignition of combustible materials.
(b) Camp residency rules that describe to the occupants expectations for maintaining a safe and orderly TWH.
(2) The operator shall make available:
(a) A written copy of the TWH management plan, in English and the native language of the occupants, to the department of health or the department of labor and industries upon request; and
(b) A written copy of the rules for review to occupants, in the occupant's native language, by:
(i) Posting it in a central location accessible to the occupants; or
(ii) Providing individual copies to each occupant if requested.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 15-13-092, ยง 296-307-16127, filed 6/15/15, effective 1/1/16.]