You must meet the requirements … | in this section: |
Make sure tool operators are qualified | WAC 296-807-15005 |
Make sure employees are aware tools are in use and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) | WAC 296-807-15010 |
Make sure tools are adequately designed and constructed | WAC 296-807-15015 |
Make sure tools and containers are properly labeled | WAC 296-807-15020 |
Make sure powder loads and power levels are properly identified | WAC 296-807-15025 |
Use proper powder loads | WAC 296-807-15030 |
Make sure the tool is appropriate to the job | WAC 296-807-15035 |
Make sure the operator uses the tool safely | WAC 296-807-15040 |
Use fasteners safely | WAC 296-807-15045 |
Inspect and maintain tools properly | WAC 296-807-15050 |
Make sure tools are stored properly | WAC 296-807-15055 |