(1) You must make sure eye or face protection is worn by:
(a) Tool operators;
(b) Assistants;
(c) Persons close to where the tool is being used.
(2) You must post signs where tools are being used and in adjacent areas where tool use could pose a hazard. Signs must:
(a) Be easily seen;
(b) Be at least 8 x 10 inches (20 x 25 cm);
(c) Use letters in boldface type at least one inch (2.5 cm) high;
(d) Read "powder actuated tool in use" or similar wording.
Note: | Tool use could create a hazard in adjacent areas by allowing a fastener to penetrate one or more of the following: |
| 1. Wall; |
| 2. Floor; |
| 3. Other working surface. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050. WSR 15-23-086, § 296-807-15010, filed 11/17/15, effective 12/18/15. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 07-03-163, § 296-807-15010, filed 1/24/07, effective 4/1/07; WSR 03-09-009, § 296-807-15010, filed 4/4/03, effective 8/1/03.]