(1) You must obtain and provide to the employee a copy of the evaluating health care professional's written opinion within fifteen days of the completion of their evaluation.
Note: | 1. If the health care professional provides the written opinion directly to the employee, you do not need to do so. |
| 2. If the employee's personal health care professional completes the evaluation, you are not required to obtain the health care professional's written opinion. |
(2) You must make sure the health care professional's written opinion is limited to the following information:
(a) That the employee has been informed of the results of the evaluation;
(b) That the employee has been told about any medical conditions resulting from exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) which need further evaluation or treatment.
(3) You must make sure that all other findings or diagnoses remain confidential and are not included in the written report.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050. WSR 15-23-086, § 296-823-16030, filed 11/17/15, effective 12/18/15. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 04-12-070, § 296-823-16030, filed 6/1/04, effective 9/1/04; WSR 03-09-110, § 296-823-16030, filed 4/22/03, effective 8/1/03.]