(1) You must handle and store liquefied petroleum gas fuel according to the National Fire Protection Association Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (NFPA No. 58-1998).
(2) You must shut down the engine while fueling.
(3) You must fuel PITs equipped with permanently mounted fuel containers outdoors.
(4) You must make sure filling fuel containers from industrial bulk storage containers is done at least:
(a) Ten feet from the nearest masonry-walled building;
(b) Twenty-five feet from the nearest building or other construction;
(c) Twenty-five feet from any building opening.
(5) You must make sure PITs are stored or serviced inside garages only when:
(a) There are no leaks in the fuel system; and
(b) The fuel tanks are not filled beyond the maximum filling density specified in WAC
296-24-47505 (12)(a), Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases.
Reference: | See chapter 296-24 WAC, Part F-1, for LPG charging equipment requirements and maximum filling density and LPG service stations. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 17-18-075, § 296-863-30030, filed 9/5/17, effective 10/6/17; WSR 04-19-051, § 296-863-30030, filed 9/14/04, effective 2/1/05.]