(1) You must place the ladder either:
(a) With a secure footing on a firm, level support surface; or
(b) Secure the ladder to prevent accidental displacement.
(2) You must make sure a ladder is not placed on ice, snow, or other slippery surface unless the ladder is prevented from accidental displacement by either:
(a) Securing it; or
(b) Providing the ladder with slip-resistant feet.
Note: | Slip-resistant feet are not a substitute for care in placing, lashing, or holding a ladder that is used on a slippery surface. |
(3) You must make sure ladders are not placed on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases to obtain additional height.
(4) You must place a straight ladder so the side rails are equally supported by the top support, unless the ladder is equipped with a single support attachment.
(5) You must make sure the top support of the ladder is reasonably rigid and able to support the load.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060, and chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 14-09-095, § 296-876-40015, filed 4/22/14, effective 7/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 05-20-068, § 296-876-40015, filed 10/4/05, effective 1/1/06.]