PDFWAC 296-880-10005

General requirements.

(1) The employer must ensure that all surfaces on which employees will be working or walking on are structurally sound and will support them safely prior to allowing employees to work or walk on them.
(2) Inspection criteria.
(a) The employer must inspect all components (including hardware, lanyards, and positioning harnesses or full body harnesses depending on which system is used) of personal fall arrest systems, personal fall restraint systems, and positioning device systems prior to each use according to manufacturer's specifications for mildew, wear, damage, and other deterioration. The employer must remove defective components from service if their function or strength has been adversely affected.
(b) The employer must inspect safety nets at least once a week according to manufacturer's specifications for wear, damage, and other deterioration. The employer must also inspect safety nets after any occurrence which could affect the integrity of the safety net system. The employer must remove defective components from service. The employer must not use defective nets.
(3) The employer must only use personal fall arrest systems, personal fall restraint systems, positioning device systems, and their components for employee protection and not to hoist materials.
(4) The employer must plan for and provide prompt rescue of employees in the event of a fall or must assure the self-rescue capability of employees.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060, and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 20-12-091, ยง 296-880-10005, filed 6/2/20, effective 10/1/20.]