In accordance with requirements of chapter
42.56 RCW, that agencies prevent unreasonable invasions of privacy, protect public records from damage or disorganization, and prevent excessive interference with essential functions of the agency, public records may be inspected or copied or copies of such records may be obtained, by members of the public, upon compliance with the following procedures:
(1) A request shall be made in writing upon the department's public records request form or by letter, fax, or email addressed to the public records officer or designee where the record is held. The request shall include the following information:
(a) The name and address of the person requesting the record.
(b) The calendar date on which the request is made.
(c) The nature of the request.
(d) A reference to the requested record as it is described in the current department record index.
Note: | If the material is not identifiable by reference to the department's current index, an accurate description of the record is required. |
(e) The signature and other contact information including telephone number and any email address. A signature is not required for requests submitted by email.
(f) If for a "motor vehicle record" as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2725, a statement of the allowable use under 18 U.S.C. 2721 that will be made of the requested record.
(2) In all cases in which a member of the public is making a request, it shall be the obligation of the staff member to whom the request is made to assist the member of the public in appropriately identifying the public record requested.
(3) Persons authorized by law to obtain lists of names of individuals from public records will be required to complete a statement agreeing not to release or use the information for commercial purposes.
(4) If the requestor wishes to have copies of the records made instead of simply inspecting them, he or she should so indicate and make arrangements to pay for copies of the records under WAC
(5) The public records officer or designee may accept requests for public records that contain the above information by telephone or in person. If the public records officer or designee accepts such a request, he or she will confirm, in writing, receipt of the information and the substance of the request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
42.56.040, [42.56.]070, and
46.01.110. WSR 10-10-040, § 308-10-040, filed 4/27/10, effective 5/28/10. Statutory Authority: RCW
42.17.250, and
46.01.110. WSR 06-16-039, § 308-10-040, filed 7/26/06, effective 8/26/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
42.17.250. WSR 96-05-036, § 308-10-040, filed 2/15/96, effective 3/17/96; WSR 92-09-107, § 308-10-040, filed 4/20/92, effective 5/21/92; Order MV 348, § 308-10-040, filed 12/24/75.]