(1) Each applicant will be required to present one piece of positive identification which bears a photograph of the applicant. In the event the applicant has no photo identification, the applicant will be required to make prior arrangements with the licensing unit not later than ten working days prior to the examination. Failure to produce the required identification will result in the applicant being refused admission to the examination.
(2) Applicants will be required to refrain from talking to other examinees during the examination unless specifically directed or permitted to do so by a test monitor. Any applicant observed talking or attempting to give or receive information, using unauthorized materials during any portion of the examination, or removing test booklets and/or notes from the testing room will be subject to denial of a certification.
(3) Applicants who participate in disruptive behavior during the examination will be required to turn in their test materials to the test monitor and leave the examination site. Their opportunity to sit for the examination will be forfeited. Their answer sheet will be voided. A voided answer sheet will not be scored and the examination fee will not be refunded. A candidate must then reapply to take the examination.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.140.030. WSR 91-04-074, ยง 308-125-150, filed 2/5/91, effective 3/8/91.]