(1) A licensee holding a domestic winery license under RCW
66.24.170 and acting as a distributor of its own products may apply for a winery warehouse license. There is no fee for this license.
(2) A winery warehouse is a premises located off the winery premises that is used for the storage of bulk wine and the distribution of the winery's own products. Storage of bulk wine may require a federal registry number.
(3) No part of the production process may take place at the winery warehouse premises.
(4) There may be no retail sales from the winery warehouse premises.
(5) The winery warehouse must be approved by the board under RCW
66.24.010 and the number of warehouses off the winery premises may not exceed one.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
66.08.030 and
66.28.320. WSR 10-01-090, ยง 314-24-107, filed 12/16/09, effective 1/16/10.]