PDFWAC 314-24-231

What is a wine shipper's permit and who may hold this permit?

(1) A wine shipper's permit may be issued to a winery located in another state and licensed by that state to manufacture wine.
(2) A wine shipper's permit authorizes the permittee to ship wine of its own production to Washington residents who are over the age of twenty-one years.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 66.20.360 through [66.20].380, 66.20.390, 66.24.170, 66.24.206, 66.24.210, 66.24.240, 66.24.244, 66.24.270, 66.24.290, 66.28.170, 66.28.180, and 42.56.270. WSR 07-02-076, ยง 314-24-231, filed 12/29/06, effective 1/29/07.]