(1) The per voyage quantity of beer and wine sold by a ships chandler to a vessel in foreign commerce or employees thereof is as follows: (a) Nine liters of beer per crew member per week, or (b) one liter of wine per crew member per week.
(2) Additional per voyage quantities of beer and wine may be substituted for the U.S. Customs per liter spirits allotment as follows: (a) Nine liters of beer per crew member per week, or (b) one liter of wine per crew member per week.
(3) The combined sale of tax paid and tax free liquor products shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Section 1 and 2 of this rule.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
66.08.030. WSR 94-13-126, ยง 314-25-050, filed 6/20/94, effective 7/21/94.]