PDFWAC 358-30-015

Motion for more definite statement.

(1) When an appeal is filed pursuant to WAC 358-20-020, the respondent may move for an order requiring the appellant to provide any information required by subsections (2) and (3) of WAC 358-20-040 which does not appear in the appeal documents and/or to make the allegations sufficiently clear to enable the respondent to prepare its defense. Any such motion must be made within fifteen calendar days of the mailing of the acknowledgment required in WAC 358-30-010, or, if the executive secretary requires more information pursuant to WAC 358-20-040(5), within fifteen calendar days after the appellant's response is filed. The board will examine the motion and the appeal, and, if it finds merit in the motion, shall issue such order as it deems necessary to obtain compliance with WAC 358-20-040.
(2) If the motion is granted, the appellant shall provide the information required within fifteen calendar days of the date of the order. Failure to provide the required information in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the appeal for failure to state grounds for an appeal.
(3) If a respondent does not move for an order to correct deficiencies within the prescribed time, any objection on its part to the sufficiency of the appeal shall be deemed waived.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.64 RCW. WSR 87-20-035 (Order 87-1), ยง 358-30-015, filed 9/30/87.]