(1) Any party to a hearing before the board who desires to submit, or when the board or designee requests all parties to submit, a prehearing statement, prehearing brief, or written argument shall provide such documents to the board and to each opposing party no later than three days prior to the scheduled hearing date or at such time as set at the prehearing conference. Any response shall be served no later than one day prior to the scheduled hearing date or at such time as set at the prehearing conference.
(2) Any party submitting such documents will provide the original and three copies to the board, and one copy to each opposing party.
(3) Submission of documents will be accomplished when the document is received in the principal office of the board in Olympia, Washington. The board or designee may refuse to consider documents that are untimely filed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.64.060 and
34.05.220 [(1)](a). WSR 95-07-074, ยง 358-30-045, filed 3/15/95, effective 4/15/95.]