PDFWAC 374-70-010

Purpose and authority.

(1) The purpose of this chapter is to address a solution to the threat posed to human health and the environment by accidental releases of heating oil from heating oil tanks. It is in the best interest of all citizens for heating oil tanks to be operated safely, and for accidental releases or spills to be dealt with expeditiously in order to ensure that the environment, particularly groundwater, is protected. It is also in the best interest of individual heating oil tank owners to protect them from the unexpected liability and potential financial hardship associated with an accidental release from a heating oil tank.
(2) The pollution liability insurance agency is directed by chapter 70A.330 RCW to establish the heating oil pollution liability insurance program to assist owners and operators of heating oil tanks.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70A.01.010 and 70A.01.020. WSR 22-01-069, § 374-70-010, filed 12/9/21, effective 1/9/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.149.040. WSR 08-20-013, § 374-70-010, filed 9/18/08, effective 1/1/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.149 RCW. WSR 96-01-101, § 374-70-010, filed 12/19/95, effective 1/19/96.]