(1) If we receive information, or have reason to believe, that a contractor may be out of compliance with this chapter or the contract, we may initiate an investigation.
(2) If the investigation requires that we be on-site at your emergency shelter, you must give clients residing in lodging units an opportunity to leave the unit during the inspection.
(3) If we find that you are out of compliance with the standards specified in this chapter or the terms of the contract, we will give you written notice of the deficiencies. You must satisfactorily correct the deficiencies according to a plan of correction we approve.
(4) We may suspend, revoke, or terminate the funding of a contractor if it is out of compliance with this chapter or the contract.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.123 RCW. WSR 18-09-015, ยง 388-61A-1220, filed 4/10/18, effective 5/11/18.]