(1) To request an administrative hearing, the alleged perpetrator must send, deliver, or fax a written request to the office of administrative hearings (OAH).
(a) OAH must receive the written request no later than the earlier of:
(i) 5:00 p.m. on the thirtieth calendar day after the mailing date on adult protective services' (APS's) letter of notice; or
(ii) 5:00 p.m. on the thirtieth calendar day after the date APS's letter of notice was personally served upon the alleged perpetrator.
(b) Days are counted as described under WAC
(c) OAH mailing addresses, fax numbers, and telephone numbers are in WAC
(2) The minimum information required to make a request is given by:
(a) Completing the adult protective services administrative hearing request form (DSHS 27-178); or
(b) A written request that includes:
(i) The full legal name, current address, and phone number of the alleged perpetrator;
(ii) A brief explanation of why the alleged perpetrator disagrees with the initial substantiated finding; and
(iii) A description of assistance needed in the administrative appeal process, if any, by the alleged perpetrator, such as a foreign or sign language interpreter, or accommodation for a disability.
(3) Good cause, as described under WAC
388-02-0020, does not apply to the requirements of this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.34.165; 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396r (g)(1)(D), 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1395i3 (g)(1)(D). WSR 21-11-108, ยง 388-103-0100, filed 5/19/21, effective 7/1/21.]