PDFWAC 388-107-1600

Emergency disaster plan.

(1) The enhanced services facility must develop and implement detailed written plans and procedures to meet potential emergencies and disasters. At a minimum, the enhanced services facility must ensure these plans provide for:
(a) Fire or smoke;
(b) Severe weather;
(c) Loss of power;
(d) Earthquake;
(e) Explosion;
(f) Missing resident, elopement;
(g) Loss of normal water supply;
(h) Bomb threats;
(i) Armed individuals;
(j) Gas leak, or loss of service;
(k) Loss of heat supply;
(l) Accounting for residents during a disaster; and
(m) Plans for evacuation of the facility.
(2) The enhanced services facility must train all employees in emergency procedures when they begin work in the enhanced services facility, periodically review emergency procedures with existing staff, and carry out unannounced staff drills using those procedures.
(3) The enhanced services facility must ensure emergency plans:
(a) Are developed and maintained with the assistance of qualified fire, safety, and other appropriate experts as necessary;
(b) Are reviewed annually;
(c) Include plans to continue to serve and meet the needs of the residents during the emergency; and
(d) Include evacuation routes prominently posted on each unit.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.97 RCW. WSR 14-19-071, ยง 388-107-1600, filed 9/12/14, effective 10/13/14.]